More animated adventures featuring Barbie. This time around, Barbie (voiced by Kelly Sheridan) and her sisters Chelsea (Ashlyn Drummond), Stacie (Claire Corlett) and Skipper (Kazumi Evans) jet off to Switzerland to spend the summer at their aunt’s riding school nestling in the Alps. But when the future of the school is threatened, all four girls realise that they need to pull together and ride at the inter-academy equestrian tournament to help save the day.
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Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale [DVD]
Barbie and Her Sisters in a Pony Tale [DVD]
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0 out of 5(0)HIGHLIGHTSSNOW WHITE: Even though her stepmother, the Queen, forces her to wear rags and work as a scullery maid, nothing can disguise Princess Snow Whites natural beauty and grace. In fact, the Magic Mirror declares her the fairest one of all! Shes also very neat and tidy (just ask the seven dwarfs), and encourages everyone to have good clean fun. With a song in her heart, she befriends everyone, even the animals of the forest! But what she wishes for most of all is true love. THE QUEEN: With her black eyes, red lips and elegantly flowing robe, the Queen is considered the most beautiful person in the land. That is until her Magic Mirror informs her that there is someone even fairer, her own stepdaughter! When her jealousy gets the best of her, this evil witch uses dark magic to transform herself into an ugly old hag with a grotesque outside appearance that reflects the wickedness inside her heart. DOC: Although he isn t officially the leader of the dwarfs, you can count on Doc to take charge when there s a big decision to be made. But when he gets excited, his mind works faster than his mouth and he bumbles words in a hilarious fashion, like when he wants his pals to search every nook and cranny but instead tells them to look in every cook an nanny! You can t help but love him for his cheery face, sparkling eyes and unfailing politeness. Plus, hes an excellent yodeler! SNEEZY: With a Heigh Ho! and an Ah-choo!, Sneezy faithfully heads off to work every morning in the diamond and ruby mines with the other six dwarfs. Like his friends, he works hard, then joins in the merriment at home, dancing and singing, at the end of each day. Be extra careful about kicking up any dust, though if you hear him start to sniffle, pass a hankie! His sneezes are so powerful, they can blast you across the room!SKU: n/aد.إ85.00
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